سخنرانان اصلی

11:30 - 12:00

Application of Modified Metal-Organic Frameworks for Energy Storage Materials

دکتر علی اصغر انصافی

Ali A. Ensafi was graduated in Analytical Chemistry (Ph.D.) in 1991 from Shiraz University (Iran). Then, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Isfahan University of Technology (Iran). He became a full professor in 2001 at Isfahan University of Technology. He joined as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR, USA) in July 2021. He has an H-index of 70 and has published more than 520 ISI papers, and he has more than 150 international and/or national oral presentations. He has been awarded three international awards. He is co-authors of ten books (Academic Press, Taylor, ACS, & Springer publishers), Editor of “Electrochemical Biosensors, Elsevier”, Associate Editor of Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society (Springer publisher), & Frontiers in Sensors; and Editorial Board of 15 International Scientific Journals such as Biosensors Bioelectronics: X. Prof. Ensafi is the top 1% of Scientists in Chemistry in Thomson Routers, Essential Science Indicators. His research program is developing sensors and biosensors (based electrochemical and spectroscopic methods) and new energy source-basednanomaterials for fuel cells, supercapacitors, and store energy.



14:00 - 14:30

Supercapacitors – challenges, opportunities and viable alternative to lithium-ion battery technology

دکتر مجید آروند

M. Arvand is professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Guilan, Iran. He joined the faculty of Guilan University in 2003. His field of interest is development of new nanomaterials based electrochemical sensors and biosensors. In recent years he works on the development of renewable energy-based storage devices, hybrid energy storage systems and aptasensors for determination of important organic/inorganic species using potentiostatic and galvanostatic techniques. 




08:30 - 09:00

Challenges and strategies for development of lithium-ion battery technology

دکتر مهران جوانبخت

M. Javanbakht is a professor of chemistry in the Amirkabir University of Technology where he has been a faculty member since 2003. He is the Renewable Energy Research Center's Vice Director. He is the author or coauthor of 5 US patents, 12 national patents, more than 180 papers in international refereed journals and more than 50 conference contributions. His research interests cover several aspects across nanomaterials, electrochemical sensors, PEM fuel cells and advanced batteries.  He is among the “Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers of the world” according to the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) from 2007 to now. He also has received several important recognitions to his research career, including the “Youngest Scientist” and the “Distinguished Researcher” Honor presented by the “Ministry of Science and Technology”. He is Fellow of both the “Iranian Chemical Society” and “Iranian Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Association” and a member of the Editor Board of “Journal of Nanostructure Chemistry” (Springer) and “Current Pharmaceutical Analysis” (Bentham) scientific journals.